Integration by Parts the Integral of arctanx The Math Sorcerer 2:37 10 years ago 29 105 Далее Скачать
Integration using completing the square and the derivative of arctan(x) | Khan Academy Khan Academy 5:27 6 years ago 178 638 Далее Скачать
Integration by Parts the Integral of x*arctan(x) The Math Sorcerer 2:45 9 years ago 31 633 Далее Скачать
integration integral of arctanx integration by parts - indefinite integration - calculus Dr. Masi 2:24 5 years ago 22 Далее Скачать
Integrals that Result in Arctangent (Inverse Tangent) turksvids 5:19 7 years ago 37 472 Далее Скачать
An easy way to solve this brilliant integral - Integral (arctanx)^2 from 0 to 1 Mathematics MI 8:20 2 years ago 1 330 Далее Скачать
Intro to Integration By Parts --- Examples: ∫xsinxdx & ∫arctan(x)dx Dr. Trefor Bazett 9:34 5 years ago 36 151 Далее Скачать
tan inverse x integration || The Integral Of Arctanx || arctan x dx Integral Human Attempt 4:30 11 months ago 25 Далее Скачать